Our liturgical ministries offer opportunities to serve within the Mass. We welcome laypeople to fulfill the roles of altar servers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, readers, musicians, singers, sacristans, and ushers.
Altar Servers
Assisting at the altar is a privilege. Open to girls and boys who have a strong desire to serve, are between 4th grade through high school, have received First Holy Communion, and have the support and commitment from the parent(s). It also requires regular attendance at Mass, a willingness to pray aloud, and show reverence at the Altar of the Lord. Training occurs throughout the year in small groups.
Come Serve the Lord with Gladness!
Contact: Rita Fete | (850) 222-1321 | [email protected]
Care for the altar, vestments, and other items necessary for the celebration of the Mass is the responsibility of this vital ministry. Your valuable service is needed.
Contact: Rita Fete | (850) 222-1321 | [email protected]
Our ushers provide help and hospitality to all who enter the church. They assist with the offertory and general security. Your help, even one weekend per month, is appreciated.
Contacts: John Milla | (850) 322-2395 | [email protected]
Joe McCann | (850) 322-6858 | [email protected]