Life Teen is a comprehensive youth ministry program with a strong focus on the Eucharist. Despite its phenomenal growth, it has never deviated from what it set out to be – a parish-based Catholic-centered ministry for all high school teens. The goal of Life Teen is to create an environment to lead teens into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. It speaks to teens on all levels: emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual.
At Life Night, students hear a dynamic message, have the opportunity to ask questions, participate in powerful times of worship and prayer, grow in community through games, small groups, and a weekly meal.
Life Teen invites high school teens to move from being followers of the crowd to being leaders in faith. All high school age teens are welcome. Life Teen is led by a passionate group of adults called the Core Team. For more information on volunteering to be a part of the CORE, contact the Parish Office 850-222-1321
Life Nights are on Sunday nights throughout the year from 6:00-7:45 P.M. in the Parish Hall at Blessed Sacrament after the Life Teen Mass at 5:00 pm.
Life Teen Mass preceeds Life Night at 5:00 pm. The Mass is filled with contemporary music, friends, and fun as we come together to worship our Lord. The Mass is tailored for teens, but we have found that people of all ages really enjoy it, so bring your whole family! The homilies are relevant and the music is chosen specifically to lead you deeper into the Mass and closer to Christ.
Edge is a Catholic middle school youth ministry program that provides a safe fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.
Each Edge Night is filled with fun and games, centered on Church teaching and Scripture. It provides youth an avenue to share their faith through small group discussion.
Any student in 6th-8th grade is welcome to come to Edge, whether you are in public school, private school, homeschool, or if you are Catholic or non-Catholic.
Edge meets on Friday nights from 7:00–8:30 pm in the Parish Hall at Blessed Sacrament.