A television program in newsmagazine format that provides an open platform to local clergy and laity to share the Catholic Church's authentic teachings and testimony on current topics. To learn more or view episodes, visit https://saintdominicmedia.com/catholicinamerica/.
Every year, our parish and the parishes across the diocese participate in the Catholic Sharing Appeal or CSA. By giving funds through CSA, we have the opportunity to assist our bishop and pastor in carrying out the mission of the Church to teach, serve, and worship. CSA provides parishioners a special opportunity to fulfill their call to discipleship. Funds from this appeal are used to support Catholic Charities, Youth Ministry, Catholic Schools, Faith Formation, Campus Ministry, Marriage Preparation, Retreats, Seminarian Education, and more. To learn more or to donate to this year's campaign, please visit the diocesan Catholic Sharing Appeal page.
Magnificat is a ministry that encourages Catholic women to grow in holiness through opening more fully to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They hold prayer meals four times a year with praise and worship and a speaker who shares her personal testimony. If you are interested in becoming involved with the Tallahassee Magnificat Chapter, have a question or comment for our Service Team, or if you would like to be on our mailing list for future events, please contact us at [email protected].